Thursday, November 19
Aberdeen, MD ---> Mary Tingley, her husband Steve and their kids hosted us on Post at Aberdeen Proving Ground for a night, and what a night it was! We stayed up well into the night laughing laughing and LAUGHING with Mary in the kitchen... clutching our stomachs, rolling around on the ground, we laughed and laughed and laughed some more! Ah, it felt so good.. so cleansing and freeing and healthy. Everyone needs a good laugh for no reason at all every once in awhile. Thank you, Mary. We still talk about that night with sincere fondness..
Friday, November 20
Maryland was beautiful in the morning. Worked out on post with Mary, re-packed the car in a more strategic fashion, and hit the road en route to Richmond, VA to see Miriam and her daughter. We arrived just in time to help her move into her new apartment and set up her Christmas tree!
Saturday, November 21
Drove through the night to Kendra's Aunt Peg and Uncle Paul in North Carolina. We got in late but were met with open arms, enthusiasm, and big bowls of popcorn! Kendra got so excited about the prospect of making homemade bread the following day that she couldn't sleep that night. It's the little things that make life life, yeah?
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